Jan 6, 2025
It’s officially ON. It’s 2025 and the thermostat about to get
Buckle-up. Welcome to the first official podcast of 2025—one that
is surely going to light your pants on fire (that’s a good
thing!). Today, we have flipped the script and Todd is being
interviewed by teammate Rebecca Garity-Pinto on all things
“Success, Significance, & IMPACT” and what’s coming
down the pike here in 2025.
Here are some of the questions Rebecca asked Todd in the
1. What are you MOST excited for in 2025?
2. You talk about COACHING a lot. What are your goals with
COACHING in 2025?
3. What do you think it takes to be a great coach? And what do you
believe to be the power of coaching?
4. SPEAKING. You talk about keynote speaking a lot. What do love
most about keynote speaking & motivational speaking and WHO do
you love speaking to?
5. IXP. IMPACT-X Performance. It certainly has been a huge focus of
yours since announcing that in May 2024. Not even one-year
ago. Updates? How is it doing? What are your goals for
2025 with IMPACT-X Performance (IXP)?
6. You give so much and seem to never stop, where do you get
your motivation and inspiration from these days?
7. You're obviously not just a coach or a motivational speaker or business owner… you’re the energy guy and are known for your motivational speeches. How do you suggest people to STAY motivated throughout the year on their goals?
8. You also talk a lot about your mentors in life, as a young boy your dad and coach Wolf, as an adult Wayne Cotton, Pastor Miles McPherson and Pastor Jeremiah. Can you share some of the wisdom and lessons passed on to you that have impacted your life?
9. Who is one person (your big dream) you want to interview and have on the IMPACT show who would that be and why.
10. You are an elite Coach, Keynote speaker, author of 5 books
with another on the way, have a new fitness franchise (IXP),
and run a long time (17+ years) Fit Pro Mastermind. How do you
balance all of this?
11. You have been married for almost 24 years to your wife
Melanie, what is your magic sauce?
12. Let’s talk about Melanie, how does she best support you and how
do you best support her?
13. You talk about Montana a lot. What is your infatuation with
14. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
15. Final Question: Todd you often talk about IMPACT and Legacy
on the show. My final question to you is what is your
Legacy? What do you want to be remembered for?
WOW. This went deep and I’m grateful for this conversation with Rebecca. I hope you enjoy it and get tremendous VALUE out of it. Thanks so much and once again, Happy New Year and get ready for a year FULL OF INSPIRATION & IMPACT! I’m more pumped than ever to serve you and be a “coach” in your life.
If you loved this episode be sure to share it on your social media and forward it on to your friends and family.
And please tag me on IG: @ToddDurkin