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Dec 16, 2024

Buckle-up. It’s about to get even deeper today. Yep. I am in full-blown coach mode as I bring you through 2 “mandatory” sections of your Annual Strategic Plan. First, I want to help coach you to create your most extraordinary 2025 ever. That’s going to include forecasting and envisioning what you will think, dream, create, and manifest in this New Year. Additionally, I will challenge you to think even bigger for your “BIG 5” for 2025 and ask you your “WHY” as it relates to your theme.

And then I’m also going to talk about something even bigger: your LIFE. Yep. I’m not going to dance around it. I’m going to challenge you to eliminate any limiting beliefs or a scarcity mindset that could rob you of ultimately achieving what you desire…and ultimately from you BEING the person you most want to be. This will not only include coaching you through your “BIG 5” for life, this will include you writing your “tombstone statement” and reverse-engineering your life backwards.

Yes, this episode is a “game-changer.” Heck, it’s a “life-changer” if you apply the questions and take action on them. I am pumped for you to dive-in and get fired-up as we frame-up 2025 and beyond. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Please SHARE this episode with someone you love and would love & appreciate some more clarity, specificity, and focus on how they can maximize their IMPACT.

You can tag me on social at:
IG: @ToddDurkin

#IMPACTShow #Podcast #ToddDurkin #IMPACT #BeTheLight #DreamBig
#AnnualStrategicPlan #GodSizedDreams

It’s TIME to get Your God-Sized Dreams System BUNDLE today!!!!

Now is the time to get your Bundle. 3 things come with your BUNDLE:
1. Annual Strategic Plan. This is the 64-questions that are ‘MUST-ANSWER’. #MustDo

2. Weekly & Monthly Planner & Scheduler. This is not only the 365 day calendar and scheduler, it also includes your monthly “10-Forms of Wealth” and your “3-in-30.”

3. IMPACT JOURNAL. This has both your morning and evening journal prompts so that you can journal 5-min in the AM and 5-min in the PM. This is the secret-sauce to help you dominate the day! Get your own GSD System BUNDLE today or get 1 bundle as a gift for your loved-ones, colleagues, or those you coach!