Dec 18, 2024
Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I’m fired up for today's episode, especially as we get deeper into the holidays…and of course, the Annual Strategic Plan. First off, I hope you're taking care of yourself—staying calm, staying relaxed, and of course, crushing your workouts. If you’ve been following through with those things that most people aren’t doing, you’re on the right track. Trust me, it makes a huge difference for your body, mind, and energy levels.
I’m pumped for today’s episode because we've been digging deep into your God-Sized Dreams System and Annual Strategic Plan over the past few episodes (402, 403, and 404). And today, I'm back with more coaching to help you level up for 2025. This is going to be a game-changing episode—this is the final coaching session around your Annual Strategic Plan. But trust me, this is just the beginning for you.
The sections we will be covering today (from the Annual Strategic Plan) and that I will be coaching your through on this episode include:
Optimizing Your Focus…and Energy.
Your Circle of Influence.
Optimizing Your Health.
Deepening & Strengthening Your Relationships.
Your Most Legendary Self.
SOUL-Writing Exercises.
As we get ready to dive in, I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU. You’ve been incredible. As I look back at how far this podcast has come—over 1.2 million listeners worldwide!—I'm beyond grateful. And I’m so excited to continue helping you grow, whether that’s through these coaching episodes on the podcast, by diving deeper into what I’m teaching in our IMPACT-X or Mastermind Coaching (fit pros) programs, or in your Annual Strategic Plan that’s available to you right now. Let’s keep that momentum rolling and let’s get ready to create an iconic 2025.
If you enjoy today’s episode, please be sure to spread it on your social media or forward it to your friends/family. Please tag me on IG at @ToddDurkkin so I can reciprocate some love.
NOW is the TIME to get Your God-Sized Dreams System BUNDLE (which includes the Annual Strategic Plan) today!!!!
3 things come with your BUNDLE:
1. Annual Strategic Plan. This is the 64-questions that are ‘MUST-ANSWER’.
2. Weekly & Monthly Planner and Scheduler. This is not only the 365 day calendar and scheduler, it also includes your monthly “10-Forms of Wealth” and your “3-in-30.”
3. IMPACT JOURNAL. This has both your morning and evening journal prompts so that you can journal 5-min in the AM and 5-min in the PM. This is the secret-sauce to help you dominate the day!
Get your own GSD System BUNDLE today or get 1 bundle as a gift for your loved-ones, colleagues, or those you coach!
ATTN Southern CA Trainers, Coaches, & Fitness PROS: MEET me this weekend (Saturday Dec 21st) in Huntington Beach for a “TRAINER MEET-UP”…
If you are a trainer or coach in Southern CA and would love a great workout and some FREE networking, connecting, and coaching, I’d LOVE to see you this weekend. There is no agenda other than to get in a GREAT workout, GREAT connect time, and I’d love to do some coaching for YOU for ’25.
Meet me at IMPACT-X Performance (Huntington Beach, CA) this Saturday (Dec 21st ) from 10am-1pm. Here is what we will do…
Schedule of Events:
10-11 am WORKOUT
11-11:30am RECOVERY
11:30-12:30 TD Coaching for 2025 Success
12:30-1:00 OPEN Q&A
To attend, please DM me on IG @ToddDurkin, or email Amanda Mittleman (IMPACT-X Performance Owner, Huntington Beach) at